ACRL Government Relations Committee

  • 1.  Legislative Agenda - network neutrality

    Posted Jul 15, 2010 02:48 PM

    I thought I'd begin discussion threads for topics the committee may wish to include on the 2011 ACRL legislative agenda. ALA connect could be a good way to share things we've noticed and want to keep track of so that we can find/link to them later on. 

    This thread is for news items related to network neutrality. You should all feel free to start new discussions on other topics as you see fit.

    ALA filed comments with the FCC, suppoirtub the "third way" to preserve Internet neutrality.
    July 15, 2010



  • 2.  RE: Legislative Agenda - network neutrality

    Posted Aug 16, 2010 03:20 PM


    Forgive me if this is old news but since it hasn't been posted yet here is a link to Google's Public Policy blog post on the Google and Verizon net neutrality statement.  Since this will possibly be used as a model by other companies I think it's worth looking at.  And here's an article from NPR's All Tech Considered, which is where I first saw the statement. 


  • 3.  RE: Legislative Agenda - network neutrality

    Posted Sep 03, 2010 10:04 PM

    An interesting piece describing the network neutrality "mess" is in the Saturday, Sept. 4th, New York Times at:


    NN is an issue that ALA Wsshington Office has been following very closely.  In conjunction with EDUCAUSE and the Association of Research Libraries (ARL), ALA has supported network neutrality and the need to include "wireless" in any FCC regulatory approach to NN.  Watch for more information as this issue plods along....

    Lynne Bradley - ALA WO/OGR