ACRL Leadership Discussion Group1

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#Academic Libraries
#Administration and Management

Research study - academic librarians' perceptions of their political skills

  • 1.  Research study - academic librarians' perceptions of their political skills

    Posted Feb 04, 2020 07:37 AM

    Dear colleagues,

    All academic librarians who work at a U.S. institution of higher education are invited to participate in a survey about their perceptions of their political skills. Please share this invitation with librarian colleagues at your institution.


    The purpose of this quantitative, non-experimental study is to measure academic librarians' political skills using the Political Skills Inventory (PSI) and to compare their composite PSI score to their frame preference as measured by Bolman's and Deal's Leadership Orientations questionnaire. This study will also examine whether personal or institutional characteristics affect academic librarians' scores on the PSI or on Bolman and Deal's Leadership Orientation questionnaire.  


    The instrument includes 39 questions and may take up to 12 minutes to complete. Responses are anonymous, and data will be analyzed in aggregate.


    Follow this anonymous link to the survey, or copy and paste the URL below into your internet browser:


    The survey will be open through February 28, 2020.


    Your participation in this research is voluntary. You are free to refuse to participate in this research project or to withdraw your consent and discontinue participation in the project at any time without penalty or loss of benefits to which you are otherwise entitled. Your participation will not affect your relationship with the institution involved in this research project. Risk of participation is no greater than that experienced in daily life. You may withdraw from this study at any time.


    This research study will deepen our professional knowledge about academic librarians' political skills. The results will be useful to librarians, library associations, and library graduate programs.



    Kathy M. Irwin

    Dean of University Libraries

    Central Michigan University

    Mount Pleasant, MI 48859



    Kathy M. Irwin, MSLS MPA
    Dean of University Libraries
    Central Michigan University
    Mount Pleasant, MI 48859