00:25:16 Julie Reese, Core Staff, she/her/hers: Good morning, Everyone! 00:29:28 Julie Reese, Core Staff, she/her/hers: Hi everyone! I'm a Core staff member. Just a quick note that our Code of Conduct can be found at http://www.ala.org/core/about/statement-of-conduct. Please contact me through private chat or at jreese@ala.org if you experience or see any violations of the Code. 00:29:48 Julie Reese, Core Staff, she/her/hers: If you’re not already a member of this interest group, you can join it at https://alacore.org/go/to/mcfsaig 00:35:17 Casey Mullin: caseymullin1@outlook.com 00:44:06 Jesse Lambertson: I have a question for Casey, do you have any updates for the movement and updates to LCDGT? I believe the moratorium is still underway...has that affected your work on promoting it? I assume it has been easier for LCGFT? Thoughts? thanks 00:46:07 Casey Mullin: Thanks Jesse. This was discussed in the SAC meeting last week. We are anticipating a major announcement from LC on the future of LCDGT very soon. It very much has affected our work, since we don't have a complete list of LCDGT terms to map to. Our demographic mappings use LCSH destination headings as a stopgap, to be replaced with equivalent LCDGT terms become available. 00:46:10 Adam Schiff: LC has plans to reopen LCDGT submission, perhaps this year. They are revising the LCDGT manual and creating an editorial board to review proposals. They have said an announcement will be forthcoming, but no time frame. 00:46:43 Jesse Lambertson: thank you Casey and Adam 00:47:12 Adam Schiff: Adam, I am wondering why we continue to add identifier strings in $0 rather than URIs 00:48:56 Jesse Lambertson: I wonder if we are seeing the string as the label, but, that, say, in connexion, the URI is in the background...what do you think? 00:49:44 Jesse Lambertson: oh wait, this is the raw data? ....maybe my comment is not right 00:50:45 Adam Schiff: These headings are not controlled in Connexion, so I don't think there is a URI in the background. 00:51:19 Jesse Lambertson: ok, thanks 00:52:06 Adam Schiff: 650 #7 Dogs. $2 fast $0 http://id.worldcat.org/fast/896265 would be much better than $0 (OCoLC)fst896265 00:52:34 Jesse Lambertson: ok, yes 00:58:54 Isabella Pilar: No problem! 01:10:26 Casey Mullin: SSFV has mapped certain LCSH topical subdivisions to LCGFT and demographic terms, where those subdivisions convey genre/form, etc. This is a "value add" over what FAST provides 01:10:59 Casey Mullin: LCGFT also offers more precise mappings for LCSH form subdivisions than FAST form terms in many cases 01:15:30 Adam Schiff: For example: $v Biography gets FAST Biographies but if it's an autobiography there is LCGFT Autobiographies. 01:16:15 Adam Schiff: Another example: $v Dictionaries gets FAST Dictionaries but there is LCGFT Multilingual dictionaries 01:16:35 Casey Mullin: Thanks, Adam 01:16:54 Julie Reese, Core Staff, she/her/hers: Keep the discussion going - if you're not already a member of this interest group, you can join it at https://alacore.org/go/to/mcfsaig 01:16:59 Adam Schiff: I could keep on going, LOL 01:17:03 Jesse Lambertson: Jason and Adam, have you considered putting out any general documentation for this project for others who might be able to implement, even partially, in their local instances of blacklight? Even something simple could be helpful for those who could see a case study on putting faceted terms into discovery at scale. thank you 01:19:14 Julie Reese, Core Staff, she/her/hers: Consider attending Core Forum this October in Baltimore! Registration is open and early-bird rates end Sept. 6. Learn about the event at http://coreforum.org 01:20:42 Susan Ponischil: Are subject headings added to FAST even though they are not approved LCSH? 01:21:00 Julie Reese, Core Staff, she/her/hers: The recording of this session will be posted to the IG Community in ALA Connect within the next few days: https://alacore.org/go/to/mcfsaig 01:21:36 Susan Ponischil: thank you! 01:22:36 Jesse Lambertson: thank you 01:22:37 Isabella Pilar: I like the idea of making FAST discoverable in an OPAC, but I wonder how to make it time and cost (labor cost) efficient for small cataloging depts 01:22:54 Jackie Zak: Thank you. This was very helpful! 01:22:55 Susan Ponischil: This was great. Thank you! 01:22:57 Polutta, Melanie: Very intriguing presentation. 01:22:58 Melissa Hofmann: Thank you! 01:23:09 Millicent Fullmer: Thank you! 01:23:12 Julie Gauthier: Very interesting, thank you! 01:23:13 Heidi Keppen: Thank you! Lots to think about.